Is anyone else having trouble with these dark mornings? I know that I am! I get out of bed and it's like, "Whoa! Nighttime Still?" All I wanna do is go back to bed, curl up under my nice, warm blankies and sleep until Spring! And, it's only October!!! I have a looooong winter ahead of me!!!
But, then, after a few cups of coffee and the sun finally shining, I am all awake again and ready to face the day. Do anyone of you have this problem? Or, do you jump out of bed, wide awake, and ready to tackle the new day!! :)
And, on the subject of coffee....Lookey what I found for you this morning!!!! YIPPEE!!!!

Free sample: Get a free sample of limited edition NESCAFÉ® Peppermint Mocha coffee.
How to get it: To request yours, "Like" NESCAFÉ® USA on Facebook. Next, click "Get Your Free Sample" under the Nescafé Free Sample tab. Then fill out a short form.
* Request your free NESCAFÉ® Peppermint Mocha coffee sample now while supplies last!

How to get it: This sample is being offered again! To request yours, click the "Get Yours Now" button on the lower left side of the Fiber Choice® Web site. Then, fill out a short form to register with the site to request your free sample. If you have already registered with their parent company, GlaxoSmithKline, just sign in to your account.
* Request your free sample of Fiber Choice® fiber supplement now while supplies last.

How to get it: This sample is being offered again! To request yours, "Like" Eucerin® on Facebook. Then fill out a short form on the "Pledge for Sample" tab to take their Skin First Pledge and request your free sample.
* Request your free sample of Eucerin® Daily Skin Balance Lotion now while supplies last!
That mocha thing looks awesome! Heading over there now