Be Paired with your Perfect Cup
Did you know 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size? Well, don't fret, girls—help is on the way! At this event, there will be a whole team of professional bra fitters lined up, ready to help you find a cup that fits you just fine - and you'll get a beau-ti-ful bra for free!
Get a Taste of PerfectionWhile you wait for your fitting, there will be yummy Skinny Cow ice cream to sample!!
Put a Little Swag In Your BagAs a special thank you, you'll also get a sassy swag bag filled with lots of fun goodies—like cool coupons and samples of new SKINNY COW™ Chocolate Candy.

So, what are you waiting for?? Grab your best gal pals and make your reservation now at!!
I am going to sign up for the one in Chicago on Saturday, July 30. I just have to figure out what time will work out best. If I can talk my daughter into going with me, then I won't have to attend this by myself!! It does sound fun, though!! ;)
I am going to sign up for the one in Chicago on Saturday, July 30. I just have to figure out what time will work out best. If I can talk my daughter into going with me, then I won't have to attend this by myself!! It does sound fun, though!! ;)
**Big Thanks to yofreesamples!!
No fair! Send 'em to Canada, willya please? :)