So, to appease him, I am not going to post a Mom Minutes today and, instead, am going to post about the past and talk about my favorite Halloween memory. I know, I know...Halloween is, like, so Yesterday, but humor me...I've been busy and have fallen waaaay behind on this!
I know...I know...You're asking, "What does this picture have to do with Halloween? Well, I'll tell ya! This is a picture of teen son's 1st year in Jr. High band and they were playing at the annual Halloween Parade hosted by the even-smaller-town about 10+ miles away from my Smalltown. It was a super cold, chilly, windy day and me, being the doting Band Mom, make the trek, along with some other moms, to help in whatever way that we could. We got there a few minutes before the band so we could find the little park area where they were going to play.
By this time, the band kids had arrived and were heading off of the bus. The other Moms and I were running around, trying to pick up all of the "dog offerings" before the kids sat their band equipment down on it. The more we found and picked up, the more ridiculously funny the whole sitation got. We were laughing and trying to tell the kids to walk carefully and dodge the "ground grenades." Oh my word....talk about funny. I don't even remember watching much of the parade...we were so busy trying to make sure that no one got any of the "stuff" on their shoes OR the band cases, folders, equipment, etc. It made for a very interesting conversation when we got back to the school!
teen son checking the bottom of his shoes!
Needless to say, when the Halloween Parade came around the following year, we made SURE that the park was cleared of all "Halloween Treats" and that there were no "Tricks" to ruin the performance!!!
What's your favorite Halloween memory!
And, if you wanna try and win that camera for yourself, head on over to
The Sits Girls and get in on all the action!
Remember to check out my Old El Paso family night taco giveaway and giveaway for ButterBell crock!
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