Free Sample: Erik Prautsch’s HAIRTRIGGERED SmoothSmooth Shampoo & Conditioner
Erik Prautsch’s HAIRTRIGGERED is proud to announce that, for a limited time, users may sign up here to receive a free sample of their newest product line, SMOOTHSMOOTH Shampoo and Conditioner!
Erik Prautsch’s HAIRTRIGGERED is proud to announce that, for a limited time, users may sign up here to receive a free sample of their newest product line, SMOOTHSMOOTH Shampoo and Conditioner!
Offer includes two Free sample-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, shipping is Free. * Maximum one per household, available to residents of the United States exclusively.
HURRY!! This probably won’t last long. Said my samples are on the way and should arrive in 6-8 weeks. Yay!
GO HERE for Free Sample
GO HERE to visit their main website and see other product lines.
Awesome! I just signed up for the freebies! Thanks!