I'll magically pull 10 dozen sugar cookies out of this hat! HA!
Update on yesterday's progress:
- Made the sugar cookie dough. Forgot that recipe says that dough must chill for 2 hours. Put dough in refrig. Dough is still in refrig! NOT DONE!
- Put carpet pre-treater on teen son's carpet. Thought that I would let it sit while I made the cookies. Didn't get cookies made. Carpet pre-treater is still on carpet. NOT DONE!
- Addressed, sealed and stamped cards. Was going to mail them on the way to teen son's dr. appt. Went right by post office and forgot to mail them. They are still in my van. NOT DONE!
- I have my list and I have my coupons, but I don't have the coupons to match my list. Drats! NOT DONE!
- Teen son DID make it to his appointment. So, I got THAT accomplished!
DONE! - Wrapped gifts DONE but found other gifts that I had stashed away, so that part is NOT DONE !
So, today now, this is what I am going to try and accomplish (before 2:00 pm):
- Get those stupid, I mean yummy! cookies baked! If I find a magic wand to magically "pull them out of a hat," I'll let you know! :)
- Use carpet steamer and get pre-treater off of teen-son's carpet. I'll bet that stain isn't there anymore!
- Mail Christmas letters!!
- Grocery shop at local grocery store. With or without coupons, I AM going TODAY!
- Last but not least, remember to get kids from school earlier than usual, because today they are on a 2pm bell schedule.
What do you think?
Is this a reasonable list?
The reason why I didn't accomplish everything that I wanted was because I was on the phone last evening with my sister-in-law. She and my brother-in-law are having marriage trouble, and she really needed someone to talk to. So, instead of trying to finish my jobs, I focused on our conversation.
Sometimes, being a good listener and giving someone your undivided attention and time is the most important gift that you can give a person.
Have a wonderful Tuesday and remember....Christmas is only 3 days away! Is it panic time yet??! :)
There is still a lot left undone on my list, too. But unlike you, I don't have a good reason for it.
ReplyDeleteTis the season... I had some last min. things to get done today and then my sister called and can't find a baby siter, so I guess I will drag my nephew around with me today. He is 7 and so cute & sweet, I really don't mind.
ReplyDeleteI will be thinking of you baking and cleaning and getting stuff done, As I'm running all over
town with my nephew.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Annie Jones and Linda! Well, I still have not gotten to my cookies yet! I did get some cookie plates made up, though, using the choc. chip cookie bars that I made a few days ago. They look so festive!
ReplyDeleteI am now off to the grocery store, the vets office, the drug store, the post office and then to the school to get the kids. Whew!
I decided, in the middle of my trying to bake, and do the carpets, that I'd better get some running around done before the winter storm hits us (which they say could be tomorrow some time.) Isn't it just lovely how life just keeps handing us curve balls! :)
We still don't have our stove connected, so we still have no cookies. :(
ReplyDeleteSometimes you have to stop what you are doing for those you love. Good for you, you did the right thing. :)
ReplyDeleteHi, A.Marie! Just stopping in to say hello. Hope you get everything done that you want to.