IT'S ALL FIXED AND WORKING LIKE A CHARM! Maygan over at maybefrugal is the WINNER!! She responded to my bribery....err plea.... (HA!) and used her amazing computer techno-whiz-skills on my behalf. So, hop on over and see the results! I am soooo has been a long, sort-of frustrating afternoon, trying to do this on my own, but thanks to pals in bloggy land, I wasn't totally alone in my efforts. It was so cool to walk away and come back to both of the blogs and BAM! There would be a comment!!
HELP ME HELP ME!! I AM STUCK ON RE-DOING THE HEADER ON MY OTHER BLOG: (click on the link to view my problem!)
Can anyone help me??
I have a coupon for a FREE box of Kelloggs Blueberry Muffin PopTarts for the first person who helps me figure out how to get my header to be BIG and to SAY what I WANT it to SAY, and his/her suggestion(s) actually work!
I know, it's bribery, pure and simple, but desperate times = desperate measures!! LOL
Thank you to the bloggy pal who is going to come to my rescue! :)

Okay, I have to admit I know NOTHING about how to fix your problem. I have a friend's daughter come and do all of my stuff like that. BUT...I do LOVE you and my boys LOVE Blueberry Muffin Pop Tarts and I am sending good thoughts your way that you get this fixed!!
ReplyDeleteAwe Stacey...that is so nice of you!! :) I love you too, bloggy pal!!
ReplyDeleteDOING THE HAPPY DANCE....DOING THE HAPPY DANCE....Maygan over at is the winner!! It looks sooooo cool! She is amazing and fixed it all up in no time! YAY!!
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone who supported me with bloggy love and help....all of you are AMAZING and I wish I could send freebie coupons to ALL OF YOU!! But, since I can't, I have to send BLOGGY LOVE!! ARE YOU FEELIN' IT??!! :)
Hahahah Yep, i got there first and i love your new lay out. I thought you abandon this one.. Just like you, a friend is always helping me tweaking my blog because I am not good at it..
ReplyDeleteJust notice that both of your blog has the word verification thingy hehehe.. Just a tip, if you want to filter the comments, you might consider just moderating it instead of having a word verification (it is time consuming hehehe).. Take care
Nostalgic Marveling
Etcetera Etcetera
Spice up your LIFE!
Obstacles & Glories
Underway! Shift Color
Rose....thanks for the tip! I'll get right to work on it...
ReplyDeleteI love your tips and comments that you leave me. Trust me, I have a lot to learn, and from where I am sitting, you are the Pro, my bloggy friend, and I am the student! :)