GOOD MORNING! This has been a very busy weekend with my sister visiting from Ohio and doing some coupon swapping and then some coupon shopping! Hubby and I finished planting the garden, and we were even able to have a cookout for my sis and her family. All in all, a very fun weekend! Then, as I was checking my blog, I noticed that I have four new followers!! Whoop Whoop!! I want to give a Big Woo-Hoo WELCOME to Annyara over at
healthy-and-happy01, Boondock Ma over at
boondockbabble, Dan River Mama over at a
kissandapeck, and last but not least, Alecia. I hope that you find your visit at my blog enjoyable! I know that I enjoy having you visit! :)

I was also sitting here thinking that I could blog on and on about all the great deals that are going on, because of Memorial Day, but it just didn't feel right. I happen to have the privilege of living right across the road from my small town's local cemetery. The flags are waving gaily in the breeze, and it just looks so serene and peaceful. There are older people buried there, young infants (how heartbreaking for those parents), young adults, middle aged people, and those who died in wars. Each grave tells a story; it just isn't always printed on the stone. I look at the dates and calculate how old the person was when he/she died, and I have also learned that dates are very meaningful. A lot of people passing away during the same time frame can signify an outbreak of some kind (like flu) or war. There are a lot of military personnel from our small town who died in the line of duty. As they lie there, day after day, year after year, I am especially reminded of their service during the days leading up to Memorial Day, because the cemetery staff raise all of the flags and also put small flags on the military tombstones. Regardless of how each of us feel about war, we should never forget those who died. Because of their actions, we still have our freedoms today.
"Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet Wave? O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave." My thanks go out to all who are currently serving our country; May the Lord be by your side always!!
Happy Memorial Day, I left you an award on my blog, if you want it. The attitude of gratitude, Lemonaid stand. Cannot remember, if I told the one's that I passed it to.
ReplyDeleteHey! Yes, I'm feeling better. I had a weird reaction that we realized came from the Codeine so no more of that!!!
ReplyDeleteI get all of my scrapping supplies from a store called Archiver's. They are wonderful - though a bit expensive.
I'm glad you are having a fun, busy weekend. I am off to pick up a loaner treadmill today. Yeah!!!
Hello there! It was very nice of you visiting my blog, I am very thankful. I can see your a very active and creative stay-at-home mother that is something I really respect and admire. I can see you are doing a very good job in your blog, congrats!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful Memorial Day post! I'm so glad I came back to see if it had posted since my last visit!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the mention! I really enjoy your blog and look forward to your updates!
Alisa, Very nice post. Hey just wanted to let you know that we had a blast at your house. Oh by the way, Angela has talked about Paul ever since we have been back. Next time you see him tell him we said hi. I'll call you later.
ReplyDeleteLil Sis